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Personal Injury

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Injured in a Car Crash

Driving a vehicle in busy cities, like Las Vegas, puts you in the path of thousands of other motorists who are trying to get to a certain place at a certain time.  With so many cars on the roadways with drivers of different ages, levels of patience, and driving experience means you will most likely be involved in a car crash due to someone else’s fault at some point in your life, sometimes multiple car crashes in your lifetime.  If you are injured as a result of a car crash, you need an honest and experienced attorney that can represent your interests and make sure you are fairly compensated for how your life is affected. Auto insurance companies have strategies and teams in place to try and pay you as little as possible for your injuries, pain, suffering, lost wages, stress, inconvenience, and other damages.  We have over 15 years experience handling car crash injury cases for clients and have handled cases against every insurance company out there. Mr. Barrus and his team of professionals will level the playing field with insurance companies and make sure your medical bills are paid and you are fairly compensated for your injuries, pain and suffering.

Injured as a Passenger

If you have been injured while riding as a passenger in a vehicle, you have certain rights and claims that drivers do not have.  It is critical that you hire an attorney with the knowledge, experience, wisdom, and street smarts to make all possible claims on your behalf.  Don’t trust your case to an inexperienced attorney or law firm. Mr. Barrus and his team of professionals have the experience and respected reputation to get you the best results for your case.

1601 E. Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89104